
Mary Daughtery



John Bradley








Mary begged him not to go, but George would not let her stop him. But as he drove to the airport, George began to feel strange. Then he saw a plane flying overhead, and his heart began to thump with fear. Then he knew he could not get on the plane. He called the airport and told them to cancel his ticket. Then he called Mary and took the train to Cincinnati. That night, Flight 383 ran into a bad storm when it tried to land in Cincinnati. The plane crashed into a hill. Mary saw the news report on television. It was just like her dream. She saw men with baskets come to carry away bodies. But she knew George was safe. He was safe because of the omen of her dream. John Bradley also had a dream like this. He lived in England and was a teacher. He was also a naturalist. He liked to take his class on field trips to learn about nature.
瑪麗求他不要去,但是喬治不聽她的勸阻。然而,在他開車去機場的路上,喬治開始感到有點不對頭。接著他看見一架飛機從頭頂飛過,心慌得砰砰直跳。于是他明白自己不能坐那趟飛機了。他給機場打電話,取消了機票。然后他給瑪麗打電話,接著乘火車去了辛辛那提。 那天晚上,383次航班試圖在辛辛那提降落時遇上了暴風雨。飛機撞上了一座山?,旣愒陔娨暽峡吹搅擞嘘P的新聞報道。那情形就同她夢見的一模一樣。她看見人們拿筐運走了尸體。但是她知道喬治沒事。因為有了她那夢的預兆,喬治得以安然無恙。 約翰·布雷德利也做過類似的夢。他住在英格蘭,是一位教師。他還是一位博物學家,喜歡帶他班上的學生到校外考察旅行,了解大自然。