One of the most bummer emotions in life is disappointment. When you think something is going to happen, or you're going to be treated a certain way and it doesn't come through, you can find yourself suddenly suffering from some serious emotional blues. Obviously, not all disappointment is the same, and when it happens you can feel a myriad of emotions related to it. So take a minute and check out these five different types of disappointment and how to deal.

1. A first date with a guy you met on a dating app doesn't spark. This sucks. Fun chatting on a dating app doesn't always translate to real life. As nice as it is to get a little extra attention, meeting IRL can end up being a dud.

How to deal: Try a different approach to meeting a mate. Take a cool class, say hi to that cute stranger on the street, and try swiping right on a person you might normally pass up! You never know who is going to surprise you!

2. You didn't get the dream job you interviewed for. Ugh. Job hunting is tough and when you finally get an interview for a job you have literally only dreamed of, it's easy to get your hopes up and start spending the money you actually haven't earned yet.

How to deal: Be sure to thank the people who interviewed you and ask that they keep you in mind for future opportunities. The best thing to do is keep at it! Throw enough things at the wall, something is bound to stick.

3. You didn't get the raise you wanted at work. Unfortunately there are a lot of factors that can play into this, but the overriding disappointment is you thought you were getting a bump in pay, and for whatever reason, it's not happening.

How to deal: Whatever the reason, the best way to deal is to remain calm, friendly and dedicated to your job. Attitude plays a huge part in getting what you want. There's also no law saying you can't start looking for another opportunity that will give you the pay you deserve!

4. Big plans fall through. Oooh…there's nothing worse than having a trip, concert, party etc. on your calendar only to have it fall through at the last minute. Talk about excitement crushing.

How to deal: Instead of wallowing in disappointment, make a list of other fun things you can do instead and start doing them! You'll forget about those failed plans in no time!

5. That perfect bag, outfit, accessory etc you ordered online actually sucks and doesn't look good IRL. Seriously, how many times have you lusted after something you see online, saved up money, ordered it, received it and find out that it absolutely sucks/looks bad.

How to deal: Best way to deal is to simply return it, dig through your closet for something you may have forgotten about and/or hit the mall for something you can try without paying a shipping fee.
