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Api/OkmxGnRsDzLK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYNoF5y/TCdkEqDhAQ5o4d/kg0hQ/ 背景:Sheldon一行帶著Penny去了漫畫店,店里的宅男都大跌眼鏡??!Σ( ° △ °|||)︴ -Penny: Aw, _____________1__________. Ev-everybody's staring at me. -Leonard: Don't worry; they're more scared of you than you are of them. -Penny: Unlikely. Here, what about this one for my nephew? -Sheldon: _______2______. -Penny: Oh, Great. -Sheldon: Provided he has already read Infinite Crisis and 52, and is familiar with the reestablishment of the DC multiverse. -Penny: What's a "multiverse"? -Sheldon: _____________3___________. -Leonard: Come on, I'll help you pick something. -Rajesh: That's right. She's with us. Guys like that are so pathetic. -Howard: Tell me about it. -Howard: Ooh, look, a new Batman ___________4____________. -Stuart: Oh, hey, Lnard. Can I help you find something? -Leonard: Oh, he Stuart. This is Penny. She's just looking for some comic books. -Howard: Oh, really, wow. __________5_________ if you're here against your will. -Leonard: I think we're fine, Stuart. -Stuart: Okay. Well, let me know if you need anything. -Penny: Thanks. Oh, he seems like a nice guy. -Leonard: You mean for someone who's into comic books? -Penny: No. No-no-no. I just meant for... yeah. -Leonard: Penny, just because people appreciate comic books doesn't make them weirdos. Stuart's a terrific artist. He went to the Rhode Island School of Design. -Penny: Okay, what about the guy over there in the superhero T-shirt tucked into his sweatpants? -Leonard: Uh, yeah, that's Captain Sweatpants. ________________6__________________.
what a cute little store A superb choice Get her out of here belt buckle Blink twice He doesn't really help the point I'm trying to make