2011-08-26 12:38
The singer of this lovely is Billy Mack. He was born into a showbusiness family. His mother Betty and father William toured the country in the 50’s and 60’s with the McCormick Roadshow bringing much needed entertainment to rural areas. When they quit the roadshow they formed a family group: Mum, Dad, Billy and brother David. When Billy was old enough he joined the big showbands. He played with some of the greats such as Jake Ruane, Pat Ely, Hugo Duncan and The Ranchers, Gloria.
I feel it in my fingers
I feel it in my toes
Christmas is all around me
and so the feeling grows
It's written in the wind
It's everywhere I go
So if you really love Christmas
Come on and let it snow
You know I love Christmas
I always will
My mind's made up
The way that I feel
There's no beginning
There'll be no end
Cuz on Christmas
You can depend
You gave your presents to me
And I gave mine to you
I need Santa beside me
In everything I do