Now, the country-pop singer Taylor Swift is aware of the pitfalls of fame and fears ending up with a tiny circle of friends with hardly anyone she can trust.

Speaking in the new April issue of InStyle UK magazine, the blonde admits she worries she will end up alone with no friends or people to care about her.

She explained: "What I worry about is that I never want to end up kind of a self-centred, vain human being. My fears circle around me making the wrong choices and messing this up for myself. I don’t wanna end up being awful and intolerable. Alone. Laying in a marble bathtub by myself, like sad, with a glass of wine just complaining that my life ended up alone because I pushed everyone away because I thought I was too good to hang out with anybody."



"The typical Hollywood sad cliché of the poor lonely starlet with no one because she put up all these walls and didn’t trust anyone."

"That’s my fear. And that’s why I live my life the way I live my life because I’d so much rather feel everything than end up like that."

When asked if she would like to start a family, she mused: "I think so but I’m not sure. Like, I don’t even have a master plan."
