滬江英樂:美國民謠傳奇鮑勃·迪倫(Bob Dylan)新單曲《Early Roman Kings》原聲花絮版MV曝光:這首歌將作為美劇《Strike Back(反擊)》第二季的原聲,這也是鮑勃·迪倫新專輯《Tempest》曝光的首支單曲。



All the early Roman kings
In their shark skin suits
Bow ties and buttons
High top boots

Drivin' the spikes in
Blazin' the rails
Nailed in their coffins
Top hats and tails
Fly away over
Fly away flap your wings
Fly by night

Like the early Roman kings
They're peddlers and they're meddlers
They buy and they sell
They destroyed your city
They'll destroy you as well
They're lecherous and treacherous
A-Hell bent for leather
Each of 'em bigger
Than all men put together
Sluggers?and muggers
Wearin fancy gold rings
All the women going crazy
For the early Roman kings?