The 13th "Animation-Comic-Game" festival has kicked off at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Despite the hot summer, gamers packed the event. Let take a look at some of the action.
As the name implies, the summer event is packed with the popular animations, comics, games, toys, and limited edition collectibles. There's also a wide range of performance and activities on offer.
The Animation Comic Game festival is the perfect platform for the creative industry and digital entertainment development. Comic and game lovers revel in their element, while events such as the New Star Competition and Cosplay Contest attract many competitors.
In order to attract more visitors, 6 hundred limited edition comic toys have been made available for the first 6 hundred entrants to buy. It's prompted many visitors to queue up for days for their chance of getting hold of something special.
Animation and comic fans take pictures of cosplayers at the 13th Ani-Com and Games Hong Kong (ACGHK) in Hong Kong, south China, July 30, 2011. The 13th ACGHK kicked off in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on Friday. The festival attracted around 170 exhibitors across the world this year. (Xinhua/He Jingjia)
An animation fan takes pictures with a cosplayer at the 13th Ani-Com and Games Hong Kong (ACGHK) in Hong Kong, south China, July 30, 2011. The 13th ACGHK kicked off in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on Friday. The festival attracted around 170 exhibitors across the world this year. (Xinhua/He Jingjia)
Cosplayers perform at the 13th Ani-Com and Games Hong Kong (ACGHK) in Hong Kong, south China, July 30, 2011. The 13th ACGHK kicked off in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on Friday. The festival attracted around 170 exhibitors across the world this year. (Xinhua/He Jingjia)
Animation and comic fans buy books at the 13th Ani-Com and Games Hong Kong (ACGHK) in Hong Kong, south China, July 30, 2011. The 13th ACGHK kicked off in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on Friday. The festival attracted around 170 exhibitors across the world this year. (Xinhua/He Jingjia)