They look like the work of an abstract artist, instead these perplexing pictures show salt fields.

They are the work of Vancouver-based photographer David Burdeny, whose ‘Salt Series’, shot over the last two years, comprises of pictures taken from a helicopter over locations in Western Australia, Utah and Mexico.
這些于過去兩年拍攝的“鹽系列”是溫哥華攝影師David Burdeny鏡頭下的作品,他乘坐直升機在澳大利亞西岸,猶他州和墨西哥上空拍下這些照片。

The shallow artificial ponds are designed to extract salt from sea water through evaporation and the vibrant, geometric patterns and colours appear because of variable levels of algae and salt within the ponds.

As Burdeny explains himself: "The sublime resides even in an ordinary space."
