Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
To contemplate means to think about, to consider. Who is comtemplating? What is the matter? Why is it important?
This week's topic: They contemplated... (90-110 words)
1) contemplate a problem
2) contemplate the meaning behind what was said
3) contemplate the path to take
4) contemplate different options
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.
He was contemplating the entire time while putting the small packages back inside the hidden compartment on the bottom of the sculpture. He snapped some photos of the packages and of the sculpture. When he got to the last package, Doug paused. He wanted to take one package and test it again as evidence. He had only gotten one sample of a few pills from the same batch to test before. From the outside, these pills looked identical to the ones he had tested before, but looks could be deceiving.