Chiang’s award-winning short story takes a more intimate angle on the alien invasion narrative, focusing on a scientist tasked with communicating with extraterrestrial interlopers and the philosophical and emotional questions ultimately raised by her work.
原著小說(shuō):“Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption” by Stephen King
If you ever watched “The Shawshank Redemption” and thought, I wish this were a short story written by a really gifted author, your wish had already come true. The film is actually quite faithfully based on King’s?novella.
Before there were Heath and Jake, there was just Annie Proulx’s novel on a page.
原著小說(shuō):“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”by F. Scott Fitzgerald
That book cover really says it all, no? This story is so bizarre that it stretches credulity that Fitzgerald wrote it and Brad Pitt starred in a movie about it. But while the movie is something of a dramatic, star-crossed romance, the short story is hilariously grim about the realities of an aging-backwards lifestyle.
原著小說(shuō):“It Had to Be Murder” by Cornell Woolrich
“It Had to Be Murder,” published by pulp fiction author Woolrich in 1942, has been so thoroughly eclipsed by the movie adaptation, “Rear Window,” that the story is typically packaged under that name now.
原著小說(shuō):“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber
“Walter Mitty,” which tells the story of a repressed, thwarted man who finds escape through elaborately vivid daydreams, might just sit better on the page than the screen.
原著小說(shuō):“The Bear Came Over the Mountain” by Alice Munro
The Nobel Prize–winning Munro has won acclaim for her short fiction that can seem at odds with the quietness of her stories, which typically focus on domestic dramas and women’s daily lives. “Away From Her” successfully turned one of her most poignant stories, about an older couple dealing with the wife’s Alzheimer and the husband’s history of infidelity, into a lovely film — but that’s no excuse to skip the original.