


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Supply refers to materials needed to get something done. What does the supply refer to? Who needs it? Why is it important?
This week's topic: They needed supplies... (90-110 words)

1) air supply
2) cleaning supplies
3) office supplies
4) stock up supplies for the winter season
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


The club would also get deliveries during the day. Doug took note of the times delivery trucks from suppliers making deliveries of food, drinks and other kitchen and bar supplies. Basically, Doug could not find a time when the club would be empty. Somebody would always be there, and something was always going on. This discovery made Doug change is strategy. His focus was now turned to the club manager. Doug figured although staff might be on site at the club all the time, they most likely would not dare to enter the manager's office when the owner was not present.
