Tony: That's good. That's why I'm here. When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stop manufacturing them.
Steve: Tony. You chose to do that. If we sign these, we surrender our right to choose. What if this Panel sends us somewhere we don't think we should go. What if it's somewhere we need to go, and they don't let us. We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.
Tony: If we don't do this now, it's going to be done to us later. That's a fact. That won't be pretty.
Wanda: You're saying they will come for me.
Vision: We will protect you.
Natasha: Maybe Tony is right. If, we have one hand on the wheel that can still steer.
Rhodes: Aren't you the same woman who told the government to kiss our ass a few years ago.
Natasha: I'm just...monitoring. We have made some very public mistakes. We need to win our trust back.
Tony: I'm sorry, did I just mishear you or did you agree with me.
Natasha: Oh, I want to?take it back.
Tony: No, no, no. You can't retract it. Thank you. I'm impress by what you did. Okay, case close.