2016-04-01 13:54
今天是西方的愚人節(jié)(April Fools’ Day)——一年中少有的一個心驚膽戰(zhàn)的節(jié)日。在這一天,您可以充分發(fā)揮想象力,讓有序而枯燥的生活在您手中瞬時翻轉,胡作非為在“愚人節(jié)”完全有充分的理由。但是與之同時,不只是有笑聲,還有各種窘迫與惱怒,甚至有人會受到傷害。還有人會很當真……英國Metro報就報道過這樣一則新聞:
A few years ago someone pranked on April Fools’ Day by saying they had murdered their husband with a shotgun.
Police were called and the woman found herself with dozens of officers surrounding her home in Tennessee.
Do NOT play this prank this April Fools’ Day.
那么,如何才能避免惡作劇做的太過分呢?英語君給你們整理了一些Tips:How to Avoid Cruel Pranks?要開玩笑,先戴上安全帽!
1.Put yourself in your victim's shoes. Be honest. Would you feel hurt if someone pulled a prank like that on you? If so, this is a big warning flag telling you that his/her reaction may not be so different.
2.Make sure that the prank won't physically hurt the person. It's not funny when someone gets injured. Enough said.
3.Choose the right victim. We all know that there are some people who get hurt more easily than others. Choose someone who can take a joke, someone who would well know that the whole thing's meant all in good fun.
4.Make sure it's intended all in good fun. Why are you pranking the person anyway? If it's to humiliate someone or to get revenge on somebody who's wronged you, you might want to rethink the whole thing. Remember, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
文中的“an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. ”這句話是印度“非暴力不合作之父”甘地的一句名言。其中“an eye for an eye”的意思是“以牙還牙”“以眼還眼”“睚眥必報”的意思。
5.Choose the right time and place. Pranks are fun to play, but realise when the time is inappropriate. If your victim is at a fancy party or trying to make a good first impression on someone, it's not the time. You also don't want to prank him/her when he/she's clearly not in the mood to play games. If you do something like that, chances are the person won't take it as a joke no matter what you say.
6.Understand when enough is enough. Sure it's funny when you finally do see that priceless look on the person's face, but keep the joking in moderation. If everybody's laughing at him/her all day long over it, that's taking it too far. You're laughing with the person, not at them.
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