


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Function means the use, the purpose of which something is designed for. What function is it? How does it work? What controls the function?
This week's topic: They looked at the functions... (90-110 words)

1) graphing a mathematical function
2) attending a function
3) using the different functions of an appliance
4) the function keys on the keyboard
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


He did find the function to print. With the number of pages he was looking at, printing was not an option. At this point, he could not save the files nor could be print them. What was there to be done? Well, at least Doug was glad he did something right from the get-go. He did not need to wear glasses, yet today, he was wearing a pair of glasses with a video camera. From the moment he set foot in the neuroscience department, his field of vision was recorded.
