


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Parking Garage
A parking garage is an area, often underground, designated for parking. What does the parking garage look like? Where is it located?
This week's topic: They entered the parking garage... (90-110 words)

1) personal safety in a parking garage
2) a music video being filmed in a parking garage
3) construction of a parking garage
4) trying to find a parking spot in a parking garage
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


These meters was meant for making a quick stop such as a drop-off or pick-up. To park for a longer time, one would have to keep feeding the meter. If one needed parking for a longer duration, there were parking garages, both underground and rooftop. It went without saying that the charges were outrageous. More importantly though, was how quickly these expensive lots got filled up. It was no easy task to find a spot in these lots. It was a common sight to see the “Lot Full” sign lit at the entrances of these parking garages.
