Pretty Little Liars star Sasha Pieterse shared the news that she's engaged on Tuesday. The 19-year-old actress posted a photo with her fiance Hudson Sheaffer and her ring on Instagram, with the caption "The best day of my life."
《美少女的謊言》女星Sasha Pieterse在周二醉心分享了一張照片宣布自己訂婚了。這位今年19歲的女星在ins上發(fā)布了一張自己和未婚夫Hudson Sheaffer的照片,照片中她手上戴著訂婚戒指,并配文“這是我生命中最美好的一天?!?/div>

Sheaffer posted his own photo of the moment, where he's on bended knee putting the ring on her finger in a desert.

Congratulations, Sasha and Hudson!