
Though we're fairly certain Chinese Walmart stores have their fair share of customers in pajamas and screaming babies, we were more shocked by what was on their shelves than by the shoppers themselves! While stores in countries like the United States, Canada and even the United Kingdom probably have very similar inventory, China has proven to be quite the exception.

1. Crocodiles

Fresh crocodile! Come and get it! Despite being quite the pesky prey in the southeastern portion of the United States with the potential to harm people and damage property, people in China actually love crocodiles!


Shark Heads

2. Shark Heads

Considered endangered throughout most of the world, sharks are actually unprotected in China and Japan, making them fair game as food. This means that buying a shark head at Walmart was, at one time, just as normal as buying a hog's head.

Though seeing a shark head in Walmart will probably never seem normal to us, we've heard that shark fin soup, a delicacy from China, is actually quite tasty. Since shark meat itself is notorious for being stringy and tough, fishermen often only save the fins of the shark and throw the rest back into the water. Either way, it's hard to imagine dining on Jaws even if Walmart has it on their weekly special!

Pig Faces

3. Pig Faces

Imagine walking down the meat aisle only to find a pig face staring back at you. Far from being a Halloween prank, Chinese Walmarts often stock pig heads and faces as one of the best-selling items in the department. It seems a bit crazy, especially since we refrain from eating the heads of any animals here in the United States, but the Chinese swear that pig face tastes absolutely delicious when cooked right.

Fox Meat

4. Fox Meat

Packaged and bought just like we buy turkey or chicken in America, fox is treated as an everyday staple for the Chinese.

While we're used to seeing slimy raw chicken packaged and ready to cook, the sight of slimy raw fox meat seems completely unappetizing but, that’s the norm for Walmarts in China.

Chicken Feet

5. Chicken Feet

While we definitely love our chicken, the Chinese just might love it more. Chinese Walmart shoppers stock up on one of their favorite snacks: chicken feet. Widely considered as a tasty treat, the Chinese love chicken feet especially because of its medicinal use. Packed with collagen and calcium, which helps people appear younger, it's no surprise why people in China never seem to age!

Dried Squid

6. Dried Squid

In China, squid is just as common as hamburgers are in America as even the local Walmart stores ensure their shelves are stocked with China's favorite snack.

Packaged much like beef jerky in the United States, squid is considered a protein-packed snack that is tasty and convenient.


7. Bins of Sausage

Without refrigeration or sanitation standards, it's basically a free-for-all when it comes to buying sausage at a Walmart in China. In fact, by this point even the hog heads and the dried squid look like a safer bet than these gigantic greasy meat bins!