


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
A sip means drinking just a little bit. Who or what is taking a sip? Why? Where does the action take place?
This week's topic: They took a sip... (90-110 words)

1) sipping from the water bottle
2) a chef taking a sip to taste test
3) take another sip because the taste is to one's liking
4) an animal sipping from a stream
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


“Wow, thanks. I couldn't have asked for a better explanation,” Wolfe exclaimed, truly impressed by the insight his housemate expressed. The friend took another sip of his drink and asked, “Well, I'm in the neuroscience department so I don't directly deal with chemicals. I'm sure the staff in the chemical department would know a lot more. Usually I focus on research data analysis. I only know a little about certain medications involving brain functions.” After a short pause, the housemate continued, “So, what was that story you're working on again?”
