Leonardo DiCaprio

Along with any woman with a beating heart, I fell in love with Leonardo DiCaprio when he rescued Kate Winslet from the bow of the Titanic nearly 20 years ago.

Later on, I was captivated by his flawed romantic hero in The Great Gatsby and his ruthlessly controlling character in The Wolf Of Wall Street.

But I fear the love affair is over. It’s not his acting, nor the constant roll call of superficial supermodel girlfriends. No, it’s that DiCaprio now actually looks like a wolf.

It’s that God-damned ‘God beard’, as they’re called. You know what I’m talking about — those unclean, unkempt, scraggy, scratchy and utterly ugly big beards that so many men seem to be sporting nowadays.

So why are cool men of a certain age all over the world still wearing them? And what possesses some of the finest-looking actors on earth to cover their faces and necks with Brillo pad-like fuzz?



If Becks can’t carry off the hipster beard, you’ve got no chance.

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe needs to make that face fluff vanish.

Brad Pitt

Brad’s ragged effort at a the God beard.

Ben Affleck

Gone Girl star Ben Affleck has also been sporting a beard in recent months.

Jim Carrey

Heavens! Jim Carrey played God, now he’s got the beard to match the role.