

Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
A stain is a mark left behind. What object was being staining? Was it an accident or was it done on purpose? What color was the stain?
This week's topic: The stain stood out on the white background... (90-110 words)

1) staining the gel after the gel electrophoresis process in DNA profiling
2) colorful tie dye t-shirts
3) hair highlight
4) food stain on a shirt just before an interview
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below. What will happen next?


On his normally expressionless face, his eyes widened a bit when he recognized both the company name as well as the name of the key card owner. The company was where his partner was working as a “janitor,” and the name was on the piece of paper his partner gave him. How interesting... he thought as he got closer to the seated man who was busy going through his pages in the hopes of the pages not being stained by the spilled liquid. Al stood behind him, but the man did not realize his presence nor his scanning of the document as he shuffled through the pages.
