天蝎座 10.23-11.21

You are being asked to help build relationship bridges with others this week... It's where you can "lay it out there" but leave it up to others whether or not they want to "meet you half-way" to complete the bridge... If the foundations are based upon solid "win-win" goals & objectives, they can blossom & grow rather rapidly at this time. The last thing you need is to tolerate is any "high drama" situations from others... Spare yourself that madness & heartache... Move forward & allow them their own misery if that's what they choose, you cannot allow yourself to get pulled into it. If you adhere to the positive elements of the chart, you'll gain positive results. Towards midweek the "vibe" changes & causes the "earthly & natural" passions to become ultra-energized... (if you know the language I'm speakin')... Yes, this is a great time to put your heart & soul into everything you do... This is when you are physically strong & capable of extended action & effort... Finish unfinished projects... Follow through on ideas you know inside are right for you... Express your inner feelings & emotions to others... Yeah, this could be a wild week... Even if the events are "usual" the awakening inside isn't going to go away... It's this energy that signals new personal growth & begins new life cycles. Get ready for changes!!!

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