Accordingto some estimates Everest is littered with 50 tonnes of garbage and more than200 corpses. Mountaineers routinely jettison empty oxygen cylinders, tin cans,gas canisters and torn tents on the tortuous route to the summit. Human wastelaced with steroids that climbers consume on these long slogs is a biggerproblem. Melting glaciers carry the excrement to villages in the lowlands,polluting the local water supply. But it was not always so. For many decadesMount Everest was the province of only a handful of serious adventurers. By theearly 1990s, however, Sherpas had grown used to plying the vertiginous highwaylike a familiar old trading route and commercial climbing took off. Today richclimbers spend between $25,000 and $100,000, including a permit fee, for a peekfrom the top. Last year permit fees contributed $3.3m to Nepal's state coffers.And yet the mountain remains neglected. To woo more travellers the governmentrecently announced that it will slash the permit fees. This will probably putthe mountain under further strain (though this year's climbing season has beencalled off, following a deadly avalanche which killed 16 Nepalis on April18th).