【犯罪心理】S02E19(3) 同歸一盡
Garcia checked Abby's phone records, and he called Stiles right after I left him.
Well, you saw someone Abby identified with.
I catch killers, I save lives, I'm a hero, until my key hits my front door, and then I'm just the father and the husband who's never there.
I got that one.
Here's the thing. When I'm home, I'm in this silent panic because I know that I have to be as good as I can as fast as I can, because 1_______________________, and that panic is exactly what I saw in Abby.
Good. You're Abby. 2________________, you gotta make this right. You have no time left, how do you do it? Come on, don't think about it, you know the answer. What is it?
I'd stop him.
I'd burn him. The same way he killed them. I'd do it where nobody could get hurt.
Which is why I would call it in first.
Is it a warehouse?
Yeah.6000 San Alameda.
Can you call Garcia?
She's right here.
Hey, Garcia, can you check the zoning code on a warehouse at 6000 San Alameda?
Yeah,I certainly can.
The SFPD 4_______________. There's no sign of fire.
Ok,6000 San Alameda is a commercial storage facility. But it looks like the property was just sold and the lot was approved for zone conversion.
"CR" to "ES".
Yeah,that's right.
"CR", commercial restricted, what's "ES"?
Elementary school, and 5__________________________. It's not a false alarm.
But there's no fire there.
There's about to be.