

This guy's much more than just a bank robber though.
What started out as a practical M.O., stripping his hostages, triggered a deep psycho-sexual response.
In other words, when he found himself in front of a bunch of naked people under his control, 1_________________.
Better,or just getting worse?
He's attacking banks earlier in the day when more and more people are present.
This sounds like he's sacrificing the safety of having just a few hostages to contain, for the satisfaction of having more subjects to control.
He'll be less interested in money and 2_____________________.
In all likelihood,he's high on drugs.
It'd be wrong,however, to write this guy off as crazy.
Bank robbing is an ambitious crime and 3___________________.
What makes this unsub unique is his fractured psyche.
On the one hand, a cold, organized bank robber.
On the other, 4____________________.
Freeze!Drop it!
Come on now,just put it down.
I got a mac-10. One shot. You got one shot to kill me.
Even if you kill me,I'm going down shooting.
The 2 parts of his psyche have just begun to bleed together, and when they finally converge, we're talking about a criminal with 5________________________.
He will explode.
he snapped, then he decided to manipulate them more interested in sadistically manipulating his captives it takes time and planning to pull it off a disorganized sexual sadist full of bottled-up rage the skills and efficiency of a master bank robber and the rage of a suicide bomber