




Being a hard worker, Carlyle became so absorbed in his writings that he let Jane continue working for several weeks after she became ill. She had cancer, and though it was one of the slow growing kinds, she finally became confined to her bed. Although Carlyle loved her dearly, he very seldom found time to stay with her long. He was busy with his work. When Jane died they carried her to the cemetery for the service. The day was a miserable day. It was raining hard and the mud was deep. Following the funeral Carlyle went back to his home. He was taking it pretty hard. He went up the stairs to Jane's room and sat down in the chair next to her bed. He sat there thinking about how little time he had spent with her and wishing so much he had a chance to do it differently.
由于卡萊爾全身心地投入寫作,便也沒有勸阻簡。簡患的是癌癥,雖然病情發(fā)展很慢,但最終她還是倒下了。盡管卡萊爾深愛著簡,但因一直忙于工作,很少能有時間陪她。 簡去世了,親朋好友都來參加了葬禮。那是個令人悲痛的日子,天下著傾盆大雨,道路泥濘不堪?;氐郊遥ㄈR爾的心情異常沉重。他上樓來到簡的房間,坐到她床邊的椅子上。想到自己很少抽時間陪愛妻,不禁后悔至極,恨不得時間能夠倒流