Hints: when --?
? ? ? ? ? find...
? ? ? ? ? out --?
? ? ? ? ? That's --?
? ? ? ? ? gonna --?
? ? ? ? ? just...
? ? ? ? ? And...

My mom's not dumb. You can't just ask her to do something for you. You have to very carefully put the cheese in the trap. I got a little shell in the bowl. And when -- when that happens, I find... That I like to not dig it out -- I got it. It's okay, It's right here. That's -- that's really gross. Okay, I'm gonna -- I'll do this. You just... mop up. And... snap.
我媽一點兒都不好忽悠 所以你不可能直接讓她幫你忙 所以這個時候就要小心翼翼的把她引入全套 我把蛋殼也打進去了。。 這個時候我會。。。 我把它摳出來就行了~ 哦我去 夠到了 好惡心。。。 行了行了 還是我來吧 你抓緊擦擦手! 嗯哼~ 大功告成~ By: 灌心餅干