【犯罪心理】S01E10(1) 我需要一個本地人的搜救隊
上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E09(3) 哥們,我跟你是一伙的
We're looking for someone who can overpower our victim
It certainly fits with the cult theory.
More than one unsub to control multiple victims.
But if 2__________
a single unsub could, too.
Kill Adam and grab the girl while she's in shock.
This is some rough country.
We only went 1/4 of a mile, and we almost got lost.
The unsub has to be from this area.
JJ, where'd the sheriff go?
He's setting up a search party.
Tell him I want him to use volunteers from the area. Locals.
Do you want him to know why?
No, not yet.
Well, he thinks we're looking for a monster.
If we tell him we're looking for volunteers
so we can profile who shows up
he might call the whole thing off.
State won't be here for over an hour. We're not gonna wait.
I want you to gather everyone up
and I'm going to assign grid locations.
Yes, sir.
You have a moment, sheriff?
I've got a missing girl, 100 square miles of woods, not enough men
and in a couple of hours it's going to be dark.
Have you considered using the people that live in the area?
We can instruct them not to touch anything
until a member of law enforcement arrives.
What if they get lost, too?
We can have them sign in to a volunteer sheet
and keep track of what grid square they're in.
Look...I grew up in a small town.
You have the state police coming in?
Your locals can do a better job of finding this girl than any statie.
You know that.
You'll keep track of 'em?
I've coordinated searches all over the country.
Let's go.
Harris, I'm going downtown.
Don't do anything until I get back, all right?
Hey, can I come with you guys?
I need to call Quantico and have them research that whole "lod" thing.
Yeah, sure. 6_____.