【犯罪心理】S01E09(2) 他想要移除什么?
上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E09(1) 趕往被劫持火車的路上
You can't turn back now, Ted.
1______________ and following you and...
I'm doing it?
Leave me alone?
Any of you guys have a cell phone with service?
We're in the middle of nowhere.
Welcome to texas.
You're bleeding more than you should be from a cut this small.
Thin blood.
The agents outside need to know what IT is that he wants removed.
He thinks the government is watching him, monitoring him.
They monitor all of us.
They have ways of finding out everything you do.
Don't be stupid.
There's an FBI agent on board.
I'm doing it?
He's going to kill us, isn't he?
He killed that security guard.
The security guard had a gun.
He felt threatened by him.
It's so hot?
Of course it's hot.
That's exactly what they want, Ted.
You're close to having it removed.
His arm.
Look at his arm.
What is that?
They look like scars.
The places 5_____________.
Dig what out?
Maybe a microchip?
It's almost as common a delusion as claiming to be the new Messiah.
Ralph Tortorici held an entire classroom hostage because he believed microchips had been implanted in his body.
Wait a minute. This guy thinks 6____________?
and if we don't take it out, he's gonna kill somebody.