Your dress might be perfect and your make-up flattering but if you don't wait until 9.36pm for your close-up, your efforts are likely to have been wasted.

According to the experts, the optimum time for a party photo that's memorable for all the right reasons comes just as the clock ticks past 9.30.

By that point, the majority of party goers will have imbibed enough to appear relaxed but won't be so tipsy.

"After a couple of drinks and a bit of time warming up during the meal, partygoers are usually at their most convivial, and that’s when we’d recommend people get their photos. After 10pm is what we call the 'witching hour', when photo nasties can be caused by sweaty faces, smeared lipstick or Mr Inappropriate from accounts trying to get a bear hug."explains party planner Caroline Gardiner.

Researchers also discovered that most of us manage to keep hair and make-up in place for three hours after the party begins before things begin to slide as the cocktails take hold.

Common pitfalls unearthed by the research team from camera giant Nikon included closed eyes, a problem for 39 per cent of respondents, and unflattering angles that upset 38 per cent.

"Even the most gorgeous starlet can wilt after more than a few hours under the party lights, once the music and dancing get underway," adds celebrity stylist, Karl Willett.