一杯香醇的文化美酒 集生活與藝術于一身 經典美文,聽寫——讓心情舒暢! 每天上午10點準時與大家相見。 Hints: 每段前所有序列號請寫阿拉伯數字加空格。
Does it feel like you and your parents just can't see eye to eye? Are you always fighting with them about your life? Is all the arguing and fighting making you depressed? Follow these steps to find some peace. Here's how: 1 Make a list of the things that you and your parents fight about the most. 2 Identify what it is that gets you so upset or angry - are you mad that your parents disagree with you or are you upset that they can't or won't see your point of view? 3 Decide on a fair compromise - a resolution that you can live with and that you think your parents will accept. Note:A compromise means you give up some of your demands. It does not mean that you get your way.
你是否感到和父母的意見不能完全一致?你是否在生活方面經常和父母發(fā)生爭執(zhí)?所有這些爭執(zhí)和沖突是否都讓你感到有壓力?試試下面的方法,來找尋一些安寧。 1. 將你和父母經常發(fā)生爭執(zhí)的事情列一張清單。 2. 弄清楚是什么讓你如此心煩或生氣——是因為父母不同意你的意見讓你十分惱火呢,還是因為他們不明白或不愿了解你的觀點使你心煩意亂? 3. 確定一個公正合理的妥協(xié)方案——一個既能讓你接受,也能被你父母采納的解決方案。注意:妥協(xié)意味著你得放棄一些你的要求,這并不是說你就可以隨心所欲了。