A New York City photographer is seeking to photograph a child from each country on the planet. The catch? The child must live within New York City’s five boroughs. He hopes this will encourage people to get to know one another.
Visitors at Manhattan’s Jewish Community Centre see large, vibrant and candid photographs of children, such as Fallou from Senegal who lives in Manhattan, Vicente from Portugal, and Eduard from Uzbekistan, who both live in Brooklyn.
The exhibit is lively and colorful, but the photographer says the project was born out of tragedy.
Danny Goldfield, Photographer, said, "I was driving across the United States in 2003 and I stopped at a gas station in Mesa, Arizona and there was a memorial out front and a man had been murdered on the spot four days after 9-11. And he was a Sikh and so wore a beard and turban and someone shot him dead. And I went inside and met his brother and talked to him about what happened and he inspired the project when he said he felt it was important for him to make an effort to get out of his house to meet his neighbors to try and get to know them with the hopes that they would get to want to know him better and could reduce the danger for himself, and his family and his community."
So far, Goldfield has photographed 169 children from various countries. He is working on photographing children from the remaining countries, which include Kuwait, Malawi, Monaco and Saudi Arabia. He says people in New York have been very supportive of his mission.
Danny Goldfield, Photographer, said, "I went out and met my neighbors. I went with a friend and we would knock on the door of we would show up basically at churches and mosques and day cares, just different places like that, and restaurants and hair braiding salons and phone card stores. And we would tell people about the project and people were always very positive. It was a very positive response. And so a leader in the community would learn about the project from this outreach and then he would introduce me to a family that he felt would be interested and it would go from there."
The photographs not only show a range of nationalities, but also a range of emotions; playful, surprised, scared, pensive. The youngest child in the series is a sleeping 34-day-old Ethiopian baby living in Queens.
"I hope they just realize how interconnected we are to different cultures within this one city and also how interconnected we are with the world."
Goldfield has also published a book featuring 90 photographs in the collection. He hopes to publish another volume once the project is completed.