Gone Fishing
Little Bear-L
Mother Bear-MB
L: Mother Bear, what are you cooking?
MB: I thought I’d make nice fish soup for supper.
L: Fish Soup!Did you hear that, Father Bear? We are having your favorite soup. When’s Father Bear coming home?
MB: Soon, Little Bear. Not soon enough to bring us a fish for tonight’s soup. I have to go buy one.
L: I know. I’ll bring you a fish just like Father Bear would.
MB: Little Bear, if you want to fish, do it outside.
L: OK. If Father Bear can catch big fish, so can I.
L: Hello, Owl!
O: Well, hello, Little Bear. What are you doing here?
L: I’m going to catch a fish for tonight supper.
O: Oh, very nice, very nice. I suppose it’s time for me to think about supper as well. Let’s see now. The wind's right at south,southwest and the tide is low.
L: Is that good?
O: I believe it is, honestly speaking. Very well done!
L: Father Bear taught me.
O: Blow the man down, oh, blow the man down. Hey, Hoo, blow the name down.
L: What’s that?
O: A fisherman song.
L&O:Blow the man down, blow the man down, hey hoo, blow the man down.
L: Wow, I think I’ve got one.
O: Don’t pull too hard. Don’t ease up
L: Oh…
O: Pull. Push! You’ve got off.
L: Is it too tiny?
O: Looks fine to me.
L: It’s really busy day fishing.
O: Don’t think you should… I mean even though you’ve already caught a very nice fish, it might be wise for you to keep fishing.
L: I know what. I’ll be Father Bear. You can be you. And we are fishing.
O: Where are we fishing?
L: On the ocean.
L&O: Blow the man down, blow the man down.
L: Look at all the fish.
O: What is it?
L: A trout.
O: That’s not a trout. Maybe it’s a flounder
L: What did you catch?
O: Looks like a halibut to me.
L: What’s a halibut?
O: My favorite kind. Wow!
L: What is it?
O: I don’t know. There is something on my line and it’s big.
L: Don’t lose it. Keep pulling it in. Throw it back. An octopus can be dangerous.
O: How was close? We’d better turn the boat around
L: Hey, skipper. I’ve got something too.
O: What do you think it is?
L: I don’t know. It’s real big.
O: Let me help. Don’t let it get away. It’s a whale.
L: Hello, Whale.
O: It doesn’t look too friendly. Throw it back! Oh, no………
MB: There you are. What are you doing under the log?
L: We were just about to be eaten.
MB: Eaten?
L: Yes, by a whale.
MB: A whale? Really. How exciting!
L: It was exciting. Owl and I were fishing on a big boat. I had got a trout. And maybe it was flounder.
MB: Slow down, Little Bear.
L: And Owl had got a halibut. And then it came an Octopus. Then all of sudden,.. say, where is Owl? Owl?
O: I’m right here, Little Bear.
L: Were you scared too?
O: Scared? Me? Oh, no. Oh no. Not at all.
MB: And did you catch any fish?
L: Oh, yes, right here. My fish is gone.
MB: Gone?
L: I had a fish, a real little fish when I actually caught. There was a fish here, Mother.
L: Of course, there was.
O: Little Bear, your fishing rode. There’s your fish.
MB: It looks like a perfect fish for my soup.
MB: More soup, Owl?
O: Oh, I couldn’t, Mother Bear. But thank you. It was scrumptious.
MB: Little Bear?
L: Yes, please. It’s a delicious fish If I do this on myself. Someday when I am as big as Father Bear, I am going to go on a big boat to catch a big fish.
MB: Yes, you will.
L: And I will catch a real octopus too, and maybe even a whale.
MB: I don’t know about octopuses or whales but you will certainly sail in a real boat.
O: Little Bear already fishes very well, don’t you think?
MB: Yes, he’s a real fisherman. Just like his father.
O: Exactly, just like his father.
L: Exactly.
All: Ha…