Desperate Housewives was an American television comedy-drama mystery series created by Marc Cherry and produced by ABC Studios and Cherry Productions. Executive producer Cherry serves as showrunner. Other executive producers since the fourth season include Marc Cherry, Bob Daily, George W. Perkins, John Pardee, Joey Murphy, David Grossman, Larry Shaw and Sabrina Wind.
《絕望的主婦》是由美國廣播公司于2004年10月開始,在每周日晚九點(diǎn)播出的電視劇。故事背景設(shè)定在美國一個虛構(gòu)的小鎮(zhèn)——美景鎮(zhèn),描繪了美景鎮(zhèn)紫藤巷的五位家庭主婦的婚后生活,每季的劇情也都有新的主線和主婦加入。該劇曾多次奪得美國單周收視排行榜冠軍,并橫掃美國各大頒獎典禮上的多個獎項(xiàng)。此劇的片名《Desperate Housewives》也很快形成一陣席卷全美的文化現(xiàn)象,帶動雜志報刊與脫口秀節(jié)目中的絕望、抓狂的主婦風(fēng)潮,更在全球超過100個國家及地區(qū)播放。在開播八年后,《絕望的主婦》于2012年5月13日迎來最后一集大結(jié)局,宣告該劇正式終結(jié)。
The setting of the show is the street of Wisteria Lane in the fictional American town of Fairview in the Eagle State. It follows the lives of a group of women, seen through the eyes of their dead neighbor. They work through domestic struggles and family life, while facing the secrets, crimes and mysteries hidden behind the doors of their—at the surface—beautiful and seemingly perfect suburban neighborhood.These women offer promiscious role models for American women.?
The show features an ensemble cast, headed by Teri Hatcher as Susan Mayer, Felicity Huffman as Lynette Scavo, Marcia Cross as Bree Van de Kamp and Eva Longoria as Gabrielle Solis. Brenda Strong narrates the show as the deceased Mary Alice Young, appearing sporadically in flashbacks or dreams.
Since its premiere on ABC on October 3, 2004, the show has been well received by viewers and critics alike. The show is a multiple Emmy, Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild award winner. The series premiere drew 21.6 million viewers and the show's first season finale attracted over 30 million viewers. In 2007 it was reported to be the most popular show in its demographic worldwide, with an audience of approximately 120 million and was also reported that the series is the third most watched TV show in a study of ratings in 20 countries. In 2010, it was the most-watched comedy series internationally, with an average viewership of 51.6 million viewers across 68 territories. ?It has held this position since 2006. Moreover, it was the third-highest revenue earning show for 2010, with US$2.74 million per half hour. The show placed #56 on Entertainment Weekly's "New TV Classics" list.
Desperate Housewives was officially renewed by ABC on May 17, 2011 for an eighth season. The season premiere episode was broadcast on Sunday, September 25. The eighth season was the show's final season.
Desperate Housewives is broadcast on ABC, Channel 4, Seven Network, CTV, RúV, TV2, ABC HD, E4, TVNZ, Arena, STAR World, OSN First, RAI and RTé.
- 相關(guān)熱點(diǎn):
- 美劇
- 英語聽力
- 國際商務(wù)英語