
Research suggests that people with a glass-half-full outlook are healthier than their pessimistic peers: They catch fewer colds, cope better with heart disease, and may even live longer.

Reframe Those "Disasters"

After, say, surviving a round of layoffs at your office, you may feel panicked about the prospect of losing your job. Maddux suggests letting go of the notion that there's only one job that will make you happy. "You may think that if you lose your job, you may never find another that's as fulfilling, but that's probably not the case," he says.


Take Control

Pessimists tend to think bad things happen to them because they simply have bad luck or because they don't have what it takes to be successful, says Maddux, when a bad economy or an unfaithful partner could really be the reason for getting laid off.


Stay Away From Downers

Misery loves company -- and if you're around gloomy people, there's a good chance you won't to be smiling. Make it your mission to dodge negativity. Surround yourself with supportive friends and spend time doing things that make you happy. Keep your distance from literature and movies that will bum you out, too.


Pay Attention To What Makes You Feel Optimistic

Do you feel more positive when the collective mood is positive? The flowers are bright, the neighbors look happy, the dog's tail is wagging. "Try to really tune in to what you're thinking and feeling in the moment," suggests Maddux. "If you're feeling good, try to understand what brought you there and how to get there again."


Reward Yourself

If you've been working extra hard on a weeks-long project or prepping nonstop for a big interview, reward yourself with a treat at the end of the process, no matter the outcome. Having something to look forward to increases optimism.



Strive For Real Conversations

Sure, making small talk is good for fostering social connections. But having substantive interactions is what actually gives people a greater sense of well-being, according to a 2010 study from the University of Arizona. While there may not be time each morning to have deep philosophical conversations with the guy who swipes your security badge, reaching out to a close friend or spouse can go a long way toward fostering optimism.


Do Look At The Glass Half Full

Cultivating optimism is about breaking old thought patterns and establishing new ones, says Maddux. If you're truly looking at a glass that's filled to the halfway mark, why not see it as half full? Choosing to focus on those "half-full" things might help you realize that you don't need your cup to runneth over in order to feel optimistic.


Be Glad

By comparing yourself to someone with a thinner body, bigger house, or flashier car, you're always going to end up envious and pessimistic. Remember: Things could be worse. In one study, researchers asked participants to finish the sentence "I wish I were a ______." Another group was asked to complete the sentence "I'm glad I'm not a ______." The study participants rated their sense of life satisfaction before and after this task. Those who completed the "I'm glad I'm not a ______" sentence felt significantly more optimistic than they originally had.