
本書原文由古希臘文而作,英文版選擇比較權(quán)威的George Long的版本,中文版選擇何懷宏的版本作參考。筆記中的英文釋義摘自《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》

馬可?奧勒留(Marcus Aurelius,公元121—180年),著名的“帝王哲學(xué)家”,古羅馬帝國皇帝,在希臘文學(xué)和拉丁文學(xué)、修辭、哲學(xué)、法律、繪畫方面受過很好的教育,晚期斯多葛學(xué)派代表人物之一。奧勒留也許是西方歷史上唯一的一位哲學(xué)家皇帝。他是一個比他的帝國更加完美的人,他的勤奮工作最終并沒有能夠挽救古羅馬,但是他的《沉思錄》卻成為西方歷史上的偉大名著。


6.26?When thou wishest to delight thyself, think of the virtues of those who live with thee; for instance, the activity of one, and the modesty of another, and the liberality of a third, and some other good quality of a fourth. For nothing delights so much as the examples of the virtues, when they are exhibited in the morals of those who live with us and present themselves in abundance, as far as is possible. Wherefore we must keep them before us.

6.27?Thou art not dissatisfied, I suppose, because thou weighest only so many litrae and not three hundred. Be not dissatisfied then that thou must live only so many years and not more; for as thou art satisfied with the amount of substance which has been assigned to thee, so be content with the time.

6.28?Let us try to persuade them (men). But act even against their will, when the principles of justice lead that way. If however any man by using force stands in thy way, betake thyself to contentment and tranquility, and at the same time employ the hindrance towards the exercise of some other virtue; and remember that thy attempt was with a reservation, that thou didst not desire to do impossibilities. What then didst thou desire?- Some such effort as this.- But thou attainest thy object, if the things to which thou wast moved are accomplished.

6.29?He who loves fame considers another man's activity to be his own good; and he who loves pleasure, his own sensations; but he who has understanding, considers his own acts to be his own good.



6.27?我猜想,你不會因你體重只有這么些利特內(nèi)而不是300利特內(nèi)而不滿。 那么,也不要不滿于你必定只活這么些年而不是更長時間,因為,正像你滿足于分派給你的身體重量,你也滿足于分派給你的時間長度。


