本文選自雅思聽力Section 3,難度一般


Geography Society


Right, Sandra. You wanted to see me to get some feedback on your group's proposal. The one you're submitting for the Geography Society field trip competition. I've had a look through your proposal and I think it's a really good choice. In fact, I only have a few things to say about it, but even in an outline document like this you really have to be careful to avoid typos and problems with layout in the proposal, and even in the contents page. So read it through carefully before submitting it, okay? Will do. And I've made a few notes on the proposal about things which could have been better sequenced. Okay. As for the writing itself, I've annotated the proposal as and where I thought it could be improved. Generally speaking, I feel you've often used complex structures and long sentences for the sake of it and as consequence, although your paragraphing and inclusion of subheadings help. It's quite hard to follow your train of thought at times.