Rosalyn Berne: We are not asking along the way where we going and what are are we doing? [---1-2---]
You are listening to Rosalyn Berne at University of Virginia, talking about nanotechnology and our future.
Rosalyn Berne: [---3-4---]
Berne was one of a panel of experts who explored nanotech's medical applications in a new Fred Friendly seminars series called Nanotechnology: the Power of Small.
Rosalyn Berne: [---5-7---]
You can watch the panel discussion on public television in 2008. Or visit .
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It's as if we're caught up in a wave, and we're just riding it. And I think when the wave settles down again and we stand up and look around, we will not be recognizable in terms of who we are now.
For those who have the resources, intellectual, financial, there will be a group of people who will choose, because we have the technology, to enhance their physical bodies, to enhance their senses and various properties.
I don't think that will be without a trade-off.
The rapid development of some of these technologies takes us back from that connection to that organic whole, which is the human experience in the animal kingdom that we're a part of and the Earth, it disconnects us from that.
And I don't think we know what that means.
I think we've already taken steps out of that connection, and we will take leaps that will redefine what it means to be human.