
United States
Emilie is the same age as Bob. They are 23, but Randy is only 20. Only Bob is American, but they are all living in the same country, the United States. Emilie comes from France, and Randy was born in Taiwan. Emilie was born and brought up in the suburbs of Paris. While she was a student there, she earned extra money by modeling for one of the top fashion houses in France. After high school, Emilie wanted to study fashion and spent three years in college to learn the business. Her parents were not pleased with her decision to study the arts. They always thought Emilie should be a teacher. But Emilie had her dream, and she wanted to make it come true. After she graduated, Emilie ran into a problem. She could not find a job in Paris. After she looked for several months, she had to make a difficult choice: give up her dream or leave her family and get a job in the United States. She chose to go to the United States two years ago, and now she has quite a good reputation in her field.