For anyone who has watched the Transformers Movie, I'm sure that you remember when they transformed the Nokia N93i into a little blasting robot. That scene was so fun and so awesome that the crazy kooks at Parkoz have decided to create a transforming robot of their own. Fan-based CG animation is cool, don't you know.



In the video clip that you can view below, a fairly standard-looking clamshell converts itself into a walking, blasting robot bent on shooting a name into the floor. Personally, I think this unnamed robot looks a lot like the bad bot from Robocop. C'mon, you remember the walker thing that couldn't make its way down the stairs. Star Wars fans may instead be reminded of an AT-ST walker.



Clips like this ensure that you will never look at your cell phone in quite the same way ever again. It might blast a whole in your pants.



