
Vicki Wilde: The challenges of African women are more extreme, but they are challenges that women face almost everywhere.

You're listening to Vicki Wilde, director of CGIAR’s Gender & Diversity program in Nairobi, Kenya. CGIAR is an international group of agricultural research institutions. [---1---]

Vicki Wilde: [---2---]

Wilde said women are responsible for the production of 60 to 80% of food crops. Many of the women in Wilde’s program grew up farming in rural areas,then earned PHDs in plant sciences.

Vicki Wilde: [---3---]

Female agricultural scientists tend to focus on indigenous crops. [---4---]

Vicki Wilde: [---5---] I think little by little we're starting realize the same is true in agriculture, especially in Africa.

I'm Lindsay Patterson from E&S, a clear voice for science.

Wilde believes that putting African women in agricultural research positions is key to helping a region struggling with food insecurity. The few studies that have been done show that when we do concentrate on women, show very rapid increases in production. And they're coming up with different kinds of innovations and solutions that are truly more relevant. They also mentor other women farmers to become scientists themselves. The agencies worldwide and on the ground are recognizing that if you educate a woman you can improve the whole family, and the whole community.