The dog barks. It likes to bark. The bird sings. It likes to sing. The dog and bird are noisy. The cat meows. It meows when it is hungry. It meows when it is angry. The fish says nothing. The turtle says nothing. The mouse says nothing. The lizard says nothing. They are quiet.
小狗會叫。它喜歡叫。小鳥會唱歌。它喜歡唱歌。小狗和小鳥都很吵鬧。小貓會喵喵叫。它餓的時候喵喵叫。它生氣的時候喵喵叫。小魚不說話。小烏龜不說話。小蜥蜴不說話。小老鼠不說話。他們很安靜。 ——譯文來自: yigangham