It happened in 1995. Boston cop Kenny Conley was pursuing a suspect and ran right past other cops beating a man. Conley later testified that he never saw the beating. He was convicted of [--1--] of justice, and sentenced to 34 months in prison.

But did he tell the truth that he saw nothing? Very possibly, says a study in the journal i-Perception.

Researchers had individuals "chase" a "runner" for on a college campus at night. The subjects followed the runner at a distance
of 30 feet and had to count the number of times he touched his head. Each chase passed a [--2--] designed to look like
the scene Conley rushed by: two actors staged a beatdown on a third man, with [--3--].

And two-thirds of the subjects did not recall seeing the fake fight. Even when repeated during the day, only 60 percent saw the beating.

Such a gap in [--4--] is called inattentional blindness. It occurs when increased demands on one's attention decrease the ability to notice something unexpected. And a dangerous consequence is that we don’t believe we miss as much as we actually do.
perjury and obstruction staged fight kicking, punching and yelling perception
確定你有親眼目睹嗎? 這件事發(fā)生在1995年。當(dāng)時波士頓警官肯尼?康利在追捕一名嫌犯的過程中剛好經(jīng)過其他警官毆打一個男人的現(xiàn)場。之后證實康利確實沒有看到這次毆打。于是他被定罪為偽證罪和妨礙司法公正罪,同時判處34個月有期徒刑。 但是他真的什么都沒有看見嗎?《i-Perception》期刊上的一項研究顯示,這其實是很有可能的。 研究人員讓受試人員在晚上的一個校園里“追捕”一個“逃犯”。受試人員與逃犯有30英尺的距離,而且需要計算他碰觸了多少次他的腦袋。每次追捕都會經(jīng)過一個事先排演的打斗現(xiàn)場,正如康利所經(jīng)過的一樣:兩名演員用殺威棒“拳打腳踢”第三名演員,并伴有喊聲。 然而,有三分之二的受試人員并沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)這個假的打斗現(xiàn)場。即使是在白天重演這一幕,也僅有60&的人注意到打斗。 這種感知空隙被稱為“無意視盲”。當(dāng)我們將注意力都集中在我們的需求上時,就會減弱感知到其他意外事物的能力,這時就會產(chǎn)生“無意視盲”。而這樣一個危險后果就是我們不會相信我們錯過了什么,即使那是事實。