

Olivia: Hey! Good to see you again!
Sarah/Magda: Hey! You too!
Harry: Hello Sarah, hi Magda.
Sarah: How are you Olivia? Harry! Great to see you too.
Olivia: Fine, fine thanks, all well. Tony!?
Tony: Ok, ok. Hold on.
Harry: He's always so miserable, so grumpy that guy.
Olivia: He's not really, it's just his way.
Harry: I'll believe you then. His coffee's always good!
Olivia: So, how are you two getting on?
Magda: Fine. It's great, we've got this really nice flat.
Sarah: We moved into Harry's old place.
Olivia: Yeah, I remember. How's it going? No problems? Still friends? It's not always easy sharing a flat.
Sarah/Magda: No, no problems.
Magda: And she spends too much time watching soap operas on TV!
Sarah: No, really, we're getting along fine.
Magda: The only problem is the rent.
Sarah: It's really expensive.
Olivia: Yeah, I remember you telling me. When will you find out?
Magda: Next week.
Olivia: Fingers crossed, then!
Magda: Fingers what?
Magda: Oh, ok. Fingers crossed!
Olivia: Has anybody heard from Johnny? Sarah?
Olivia: Of course. Sorry. I just thought.
Sarah: He was more of a friend of yours, wasn't he Harry?
Harry: Yeah, we're good mates. I hear from him all the time.
Sarah: How's he doing?
Harry: He's still in Chongqing with his new job. He says it's really interesting, really exciting, but he misses us. And he wants to come back to London!
Magda: Fingers crossed!

Could we have some coffees over here please? I'm rushed off my feet here. Except she leaves the top off the toothpaste tube. I still need to find that proper job, and that depends on me getting the right degree results. Crossed. It's what we say when we hope for something good to happen. Just because we're both Chinese doesn't mean we keep in touch all the time, you know. There are a lot of people in China!