When the doctor came again, he was surprised to see me looking so miserable. "Perhaps she's crying because she could not go out with Mrs. Reed this morning," suggested Bessie. "I think Miss Jane is smarter than that!" said the doctor, smiling at me. He looked as if he knew how I felt about the Reed family. "She is a big girl now." "I'm not crying about that. I don't like going anywhere with them." I said. "I'm crying because I'm miserable." "Oh really, Miss Jane!" said Bessie. The doctor looked at me for a few moments. He had gray colored, intelligent eyes. Just then a bell rang. It was time for the servants to eat their dinner. "You can go, Bessie," he said. "I'll talk to Miss Jane until you come back." After Bessie had left, he asked, "What really made you sick, Jane?" "I was locked in a room with a ghost, in the dark." "Afraid of ghosts, are you?" he smiled. "I'm afraid of Mr. Reed's ghost! He died in that room, you know. Nobody ever goes in there any more. It was curel to lock me in there alone without a candle. I shall never forget it!" "But you're not afraid now. There is something else that is making you sad, isn't there?" he said, looking kindly at me. How could I tell him how unhappy my life was?! "I have no father or mother, brothers or sisters," I said. "But you have a kind aunt and cousins." "No, the are not kind! John Reed hit me, and when I tried to protect myself, my aunt locked me in the red room." I cried. "Don't you like living in such a beautiful house?" he asked. "I would be happy to leave it, but I have nowhere to go." "You have no other family?" "I think I may have some, who are very poor, but I know nothing about them," I answered. The doctor thought for a while. "Jane, would you like to go to school?" he asked finally. I thought for a moment. I had never been to a real school, but at least it would be a new life. "yes, I would like to go," I said. "Well, Well," the doctor said to me, "I will see what I can do for you, Jane."