
hint: Carlos


Harry: Blimey, that was quite a night last night.
Fadi: Fantastic!
Johnny: I didn't see Carlos all night, he was so busy.
Sarah: The food was great! I've never eaten Brazilian food before – it was lovely.
Johnny: It was pretty good.
But not as good as Chinese food, really.
Sarah: You'll never change, will you, Johnny?
Tony: So it was a success, then?
Harry: Oh yeah. I'm still stuffed.
Magda: Stuffed?
Sarah: Full of food.
Fadi: Mm…delicious food.
Harry: Oh come on Bindyu – stop criticising!
Bindyu: I can't help it if I'm a perfectionist!
Magda: A what?
Harry: She's a perfectionist.
Bindyu: Yes it does! What's wrong with that? Like our wedding will be perfect, won't it Harry?
Harry: Er, yeah.
Bindyu: Anyway, I have to go now, busy busy. I'll see you all later!
See you later.
Johnny: So, are you all ready for the big event?
Harry: The what?
Johnny: Your wedding!
Harry: Oh, of course. Well, to tell you the truth, there are a few problems.
Fadi: Oh no. What kind of problems?
I'm not sure I want that. I just want to keep it really small, close family, a few friends.
Johnny: Will you get married in church?
Harry: No. I'm not religious, me. Just the local registry office.
All: Hello Olivia!
Olivia: Hi there everyone! Mind if I sit down?
Fadi: Not at all. Come and join us.
Olivia: So what are you boys all talking about?
Olivia: Having second thoughts?
Harry: No, not at all. I really want to marry her, but.
Fadi: They've got different ideas about the wedding.
Harry: Well, Bindyu's family have.
Olivia: Hm. I see. Have you told her what you think?
Harry: No. Not yet.
Olivia: Why not?
Harry: You know what she's like. She always thinks she's right.
Johnny: That's girls for you!
Fadi: Yeah, dead right!
Olivia: Oh don't be ridiculous!
You have to talk about these things!


Carlos's new restaurant was packed. Better than English food Not when it comes to my food, no! I thought the rice was a little overcooked, actually. Everything has to be perfect all the time. I think I'll stick around for a bit. Bindyu's family want a really big traditional wedding. Harry's got some doubts about the wedding. Harry, Bindyu is your fiancée, your future wife!