Yao Ming Says NO to Shark Fin Soup


SHANGHAI - Basketball superstar Yao Ming and British entrepreneur Richard Branson joined forces on Thursday to get shark fin soup off the menu and save some of the species from extinction.


The soup, considered a delicacy, is widely served at top-class restaurants on the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. To cater for demand about 1.5 million sharks are slaughtered every week for their fins, a move that endangers some species.


"Few people know the importance of sharks in maintaining the ecological balance," recently retired NBA star Yao said in Shanghai during an event, sponsored by conservation group WildAid, to launch the campaign against the shark fin trade.


"Nor do they realize the cruelty of the finning process" Yao said.


After the fins are sliced off, sharks are discarded back to the ocean where they are condemned to a slow, agonizing death due to diminished speed and maneuverability.


"There is no reasonable explanation for the cruelty," Yao said.


Despite growing calls to ban the trade and consumption of shark products, demand in China has been growing rapidly as the economy booms。


"Those who eat shark fin soup told me they don't particularly like it," Branson, president of Virgin Atlantic Airlines, said. "It was just the tradition. That means it's possible to get people to switch to other food, and make the soup unfashionable."




2009年上映的法國紀錄片《海洋》(Oceans)由著名法國導演雅克·貝漢(Jacques Perrin)和雅克·克魯奧德(Jacques Cluzaud)搭檔拍攝完成,于2010 年4月22日世界地球日在北美各大影院上映。這部紀錄片則以一種大膽、極具開拓精神的方式記錄下了水面之下的充滿著神秘色彩的藍色世界,而且是通過一種以前從未見過的視角和方式。導演將攝影機的鏡頭帶進了人力不可到達的深海極地,不斷地深入到苛刻、殘酷的真實環(huán)境當中,好好地研究了一下生活在這里的一些令人震驚的生物的習性和本能。

