
The Ox and the Frog

Once, a group of frogs lived in a little pond.

They lived there happily.

“Let’s have a jumping contest. I bet I can jump the highest.”

“You always want to show off.Go ahead. Show us how high you can jump.”

Frog AI knew how to jump the highest.

He had learned how to bounce off a seaweed pod.

This made him jump very high.

“Wow!How does he jump so high?” All the other frogs wanted to jump high but they could not jump higher than Frog AI did. Frog AI was very proud.

“See,I am better than everyone else. I am the greatest jumper.” “I am sure that there is someone who is better than you. Everyone had at least one weakness.”

“Yeah, I like diving.I am sure one of us can dive further than you.””O(jiān)h,yeah? OK,then. Let’s have a diving contest!”

All the frogs line up on the edge of a rock to dive.

“Ready, set, dive!” When the other frogs jumped in,

AI sank furthest to the bottom.

“See,I told you.I am better than everyone else.

I am the greatest. Ha! Ha! Ha!”

“Well, maybe you are, but you should not boast so much.”

“Right. AI, you boast too much.”

One day, the frogs were enjoying the sun.

A big ox came to drink at the pond.

“Hey! Let’s get out of here quickly.There’s a huge beast coming!””Yeah!Let’s hide until he leaves.”

But soon, they found that the ox was harmless.

“He is only drinking the water.” So,they all came out to admire him.”Look how huge the beast is!””Yeah, it would take hundreds of us to make one of him!”

“Huh!He’s not so big. I can be as big as he is. Just watch!”

Frog AI drew in a deep breath and puffed his belly out.

“Ha! Ha!You’re very little, far too little! Ha! Ha!”

“Ha! Ha! You are not even bigger than his foot!”

“Not bigger? I can be as big as he is. Just watch!

Is this big enough?”

“You’re very little, still too little!”

“Too little?I can be as big as he is.

How about this? Is this big enough?”

“You’re very little, far too little! Still not big enough!”

“What? Still not big enough? I can be as big as he is.

Just watch! How about this?Is this big enough,now?”

“No,still not nearly big enough.”

“Now,you had better stop.You might burst your belly!”

The ox was watching the frog getting bigger and bigger.

He thought is was very funny.Out of curiosity,he stepped

on the strange frog to see what would happen.

“Pop!””O(jiān)h,my!What a pity!

His boasting cost him his life,after all.”

Then,all the frogs hopped sadly away.




























“哼!他不是那么大。我能和他一樣大??矗 ?/p>















