(視頻來源:TTV香港旅游電視頻道,INSIDE HONG KONG欄目。)
Something you must do in Hong Kong, if you've never done it before, is take the Star Ferry. It is probably one of Hong Kong's least expensive tourist attractions, and maybe the best.
In business since 1898, the Star Ferry company's fleet of 12 ferries
operates four routes across the harbor, carrying over 26 million travelers each year. The most popular route runs between Central and Tsim Sha Tsui.?
From the ferry, one can take in the famous view of the harbor in the Hong Kong's
(This is Golden Star (金星號) of Hong Kong Star Ferry.)
A crossing of Victoria Harbour on a Star Ferry has been named by the National Geographic of Traveler as one of the "fifty places of a lifetime". By a Star Ferry, you have the opportunity to step back to the days of old and experience an era when third generation Star ferries were the major passenger connection between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula.
乘搭天星小輪橫渡維港已被國家地理旅游雜志列為 "人生五十個必到景點" 之一。登上天星小輪,將有機會嘗試時光倒流的滋味,重踏古色古香的渡輪,遨游維多利亞港。
Step aboard the
fabulous double-decker ferry, relax and enjoy the
magnificent view while sipping a cup of fine coffee in an air-conditioned, on-vessel cafe or soak up the sun on the open decks while enjoying the cooling sea
#糖小魚# ?當船要靠岸時,會讓人感到有些意猶未盡,真希望這海灣能夠更寬一些。
#大方無隅# 每次到香港,只要時間允許,往來于港九之間的時候,總會選擇天星小輪,覺得十分親切。