


  1. Break up(分手)
  • We decided to break up last night.
  • He broke up with me out of the blue.
  1. Split up(分手)
  • They’ve split up after being together for five years.
  • She’s still upset about the split up.
  1. Call it quits(宣告分手)
  • After years of struggling, they finally decided to call it quits.
  • They called it quits last month and have gone their separate ways.
  1. Part ways(告別)
  • It’s time for us to part ways and move on.
  • They’ve decided to part ways as they have different goals in life.


  1. Drift apart(疏遠(yuǎn))
  • We used to be best friends, but over the years, we’ve drifted apart.
  • It’s sad to see how we’ve drifted apart over time.
  1. Grow apart(疏遠(yuǎn))
  • Sometimes, people just grow apart and that’s okay.
  • They realized they had grown apart and decided to end their friendship.
  1. Fall out(關(guān)系破裂)
  • We had a big fight last week and now we’ve fallen out.
  • After the argument, they fell out and haven’t spoken since.
  1. Go separate ways(各奔東西)
  • It’s time for us to go our separate ways and find new friendships.
  • They mutually agreed to go their separate ways and focus on their individual paths.


  1. Regret the split(后悔分手)
  • I regret the split and wish things could have been different.
  • He expressed his regret over the split and tried to reconcile.
  1. Make amends(修補(bǔ)關(guān)系)
  • I want to make amends with you and work things out.
  • They decided to make amends and rebuild their relationship.
  1. Patch things up(和好)
  • Let’s try to patch things up and move past this misunderstanding.
  • They patched things up after a long conversation and apology.


