
[t] + you → cha
[t] + your/you're → cher


Listen to each part of the conversation: first spoken with careful (slow) pronunciation; then spoken with relaxed (fast) pronunciation.

Careful (Slow) Pronunciation

HIRO: Can't you find an apartment?

SAM: No, I can't. The rent you have to pay is too high.

HIRO: You know, I have a friend who could try to get you an apartment.

SAM: You do?

HIRO: Yeah. He used to be a real estate salesperson.

SAM: Well, I don't want your friend to spend a lot of time on it.

HIRO: No problem. I'll tell him that you're new in town.

SAM: Great. Thank him in advance for me, okay?

HIRO: Sure. Tell me what you're looking for. Do you want a furnished or unfurnished apartment?

SAM: I don't know. Don't you think a furnished apartment would be expensive?

Relaxed (Fast) Pronunciation

HIRO:﹡Kant﹡cha find an apartment?

SAM: No, I﹡kant. The rent﹡cha﹡hafta pay is too high.

HIRO:﹡Ya know, I have a friend who could try﹡da﹡git﹡cha an apartment.

SAM:﹡Ya do?

HIRO: Yeah. He﹡useta be a real estate salesperson.

SAM: Well, I don't want﹡cher friend﹡ta spend a lot﹡a time on it.

HIRO: No problem. I'll tell﹡'im that﹡cher new in town.

SAM: Great. Thank﹡'im in advance﹡fer me, okay?

HIRO: Sure. Tell me what﹡cher﹡lookin' for. Do﹡ya want a furnished﹡er unfurnished apartment?

SAM: I﹡donno know. Don't﹡cha think a furnished apartment would be expensive?

Listen to the entire conversation again, spoken with relaxed (fast) pronunciation.
